
Showing posts from September, 2018

Online Missions Announced

The church is going to announce online missions this General Conference. They have already tested them through a pilot program. They started the pilot program with couple online missions. They initially started with blogs. The success of mommy blogs lead to the church extending the pilot program to include single woman missionaries. These young women continued the success with fashion and makeup vlogs. The church went after makeup as it felt it would help counter the belief some have that Mormons don'r wear makeup. The phenomenal success of these blog missions has lead the church to expand online missions. They will be making online calls for all missionaries. It is rumored that apostles have already blessed the land of World of Warcraft and Fortnite for missionary work. The church believes this will be a more organic way to introduce people to the church. Online missionaries will have to take online classes about how to reach out to people about the gospel while playing g

5 Worst LDS Temples

(Photo by   Lionel Allorge ) What happens on the temples is the same but the outside are very different. There will be people who have a love of their temple and won't be happy with some of these choices. I understand. If someone told me the LA temple was ugly I would admit its not the prettiest but it sure doesn't belong on the list. I also would realize taste is subjective too though. Unlike my last list of the best  where factors besides aesthetics were factored in this list is all about looks. The first one is the easiest to guess since it is at the top of the page. If you thought this was some old high school from a John Hughes movie you're wrong. It is actually the Paris Temple. The temple looks like it could be a number of things besides a temple from a high school to a library. I prefer my temples to look set apart from the world not fit right in. (Photo by   Wiiii ) This next one is going to be controversial. This is one that many people felt belon

The Temple Game

(photo by  Lionel Allorge ) There is a game I like to play in the temple. This is not a normal game. No points are won or lost. There are no winners or losers. When I go to the temple pay attention to the eye color of all the temple workers. If you want to play the game visit the temple before reading on but come back after and finish the article. Obviously this game does not work everywhere but I have found that an inordinate number of temple workers have blue eyes. It is not uncommon for me to only see blue eyed temple workers the entire time I am in the temple. In fact I went today and did not see a single person that did not have blue eyes even though I saw about 15 people. Statistically only 8% of the world has blue eyes. I realize that in many parts of the US the majority of the members are of European descent and more likely to have blue eyes. Numbers vary but the highest Finish numbers are 89% for blue or green though these numbers can go as low as 80% when ju

Q&A Is Jacob For Or Against Polygamy

Someone actually asked a question on my previous post . So I will try to answer it here. If you have questions ask there or here and I will do my best to respond. The question is  Jacob Chapter 2 for or against polygamy when read in context. My assumption is the part that brings up this question is: 23  But the word of God burdens me because of your grosser crimes. For behold, thus saith the Lord: This people begin to wax in iniquity; they understand not the scriptures, for they seek to excuse themselves in committing whoredoms, because of the things which were written concerning David, and Solomon his son. 24  Behold, David and Solomon truly had many wives and concubines, which thing was abominable before me, saith the Lord. 25  Wherefore, thus saith the Lord, I have led this people forth out of the land of Jerusalem, by the power of mine arm, that I might raise up unto me a righteous branch from the fruit of the loins of Joseph. 26  Wherefore, I the Lord God will not

5 Best LDS Temples

While what goes on inside the temples may only be seen by active worthy members the outside can be seen by all. Even if you have never entered a temple you can still appreciate their architectural beauty. You might be wondering why I get to determine the 5 best buildings and I actually have 3 reasons. The first should be obvious. It is my blog. The second is I am related to William Robert Ware the father of American architecture. Finally you probably already noticed this if you have been reading my blogs I have  impeccable  taste. The following are in no particular order. Let's start with an easy one. It's The Salt Lake City Temple of course. The Salt Lake City Temple is one of the most recognized buildings in Salt Lake, Utah, and of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It is the largest temple by floor area and took an impressive 40 years to build. The temple even has weekly meetings of the church leadership. On top of all that it also has a Holy of Holie

Saved By Angels

The following story is a true story passed down by my family. It is about my own family. The story takes place a long time ago in Sweden. My ancestors wanted to go to Utah to join the "More Mons." They had to leave their small village to get to the large port city of Gothenburg where they would take a ship to the US. The only way out of town was by crossing a bridge on their way to town. They knew the villagers were unhappy with them and did not want them to join the "More Mons." They feared they may try to seriously hurt or even kill them. But there was no other choice. So they took their family including children and left to join the church in Utah. As they got to the bridge they could see the townsfolk had gathered on the other side in the main part of town. It was as they had feared. The town was waiting for them. They could not wait if they were to make their boat. Not knowing what fate awaited them they went on. As they crossed the bridge and made it

Would You Move?

I have lived all over the world. I have lived where there was more then one ward in my apartment building and I have lived where I was the only member in a tri-province area with 100 million people. Some of us just don't have the ability to find a date. I am living somewhere that has members but the area is shrinking we have lost a few YSA wards in the last couple years and almost everyone in the area I am interested in I already dated. All the rest I am not interested in. Either I am picky like my mom says or there just are not many members. I might be picky but it also has to do with the number of members. There are about 4 wards I can think of off hand in my area. During the school year there are maybe 50 people a ward so 200 members. Half are the right gender so only 100 people to date. If I was not LDS just in my city I am sure there are plenty more. Another problem is some of those 100 are already taken. Then there is the reality that I am just not attracted to a

Ask Any Questions

I sometimes respond to questions in Facebook Groups or subreddits and it seems people like my comments. Some questions are meaningful and some have no impact on your salvation like one person today asked about Adam and Eves last name. My response to that was it's cultural not all people use the same system, didn't mention but historically its a newer cultural construct anyway, and is a way to differentiate people. There was one Adam and one Eve no need to differentiate which Eve you were talking about even if a latter generation had one you could say Mother Eve or Grandma Eve. Questions that do not pertain to ones salvation are welcome. They can still can be fun to ask. Even silly questions are fine. If you have either serious or silly questions fill free to preferably post them below, in response to a group post, or a response to a subreddit. You can even fit free to stump me if you like. Not guaranteeing I will always have an answer but will do my best. I also thi

You May Have Gone to BYU If...

You May Have Gone to BYU If... you feel in love at the Creamery You May Have Gone to BYU If... you had your heart broken at the Creamery You May Have Gone to BYU If... you met your wife at college You May Have Gone to BYU If... you love BYU Sports Nation (shout out to niece Kiki) You May Have Gone to BYU If... your calf muscle is huge from walking up a mountain every day You May Have Gone to BYU If... you went to college get your MRS You May Have Gone to BYU If... you know where Provo, Utah is You May Have Gone to BYU If... you plan to wear blue and white the rest of your life You May Have Gone to BYU If...  you think Studio C is funny You May Have Gone to BYU If... MLM 101 was a required class for your Business degree You May Have Gone to BYU If... you accidentally went to the MTC your Sophomore year You May Have Gone to BYU If... you feel in love at on Y mountain You May Have Gone to BYU If... you had your heart broken on Y mountain. As always if you liked th

You May Be Mormon If.... Part 2

You May Be Mormon If… You May Be Mormon If… you have worked for a MLM company. You May Be Mormon If… you think Yoda was designed after a church president. You May Be Mormon If… you think apricot blossoms look like popcorn. You May Be Mormon If… you went to EFY. You May Be Mormon If… you woke up at 5am before high school. You May Be Mormon If… think drinking Coke is a sin. You May Be Mormon If… you think Studio C is funny. You May Be Mormon If… you think going outside of Utah is an foreign mission. You May Be Mormon If… you like this post. If you enjoyed this post please comment below and feel free to subscribe. Let us know what you liked and what you didn't so we can improve the site