Disney To Build Park In Utah

Disney has just announced it will be building it's newest theme park in Utah. No location has been announced but speculation is that it will be located near Provo or Salt Lake City. While no location has been announced some concept art has been leaked which you can find below. Disney picked Utah because outside of states that already have a Disney theme park Utah buys the most Disney merchandise of any state. With such a high per captita on Disney spending it is no wonder Utah will get the next theme park. Disney has had some previous problems choosing locations that were not Disney friendly like Paris and Hong Kong which did not perform as well as hoped. This time Disney is going to focus on the die hard fans. There is some speculation that the park will be built in Utah because of it's large LDS population. Disney has refused to acknowledge this but some of the concept art has leaked which indicate this park will feature a Biblical theme. Disney also has ackn...